I be up in the gym just workin on my fitness

Thanks for the guest post by Bradly Watkins

Here we are at the end of another year. 2011 went by so fast on one hand and SO slow on the other. I made some big changes in my life this year. One of them was deciding to start going to a gym regularly. I have always been one of those people that would try a workout here and there but would never really stick to anything more than maybe two times. This year I decided was going to be my year for the gym. I decided in roughly September and have been going several times a week ever since. This month has been the best month yet. I hear December is always slow but man, I have never seen such a ghost town! Luckily my gym has Expert Satellite with television sets everywhere to keep me company while I workout. I will usually tune it to a show that I like and since there is no one else there I don’t have to worry about anyone complaining that they don’t want to watch my show.

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