Hop Along Friday

How are you today my friends? It is nice to see that people are visiting one another. Yesterday my prayer answered. I prayed that someone will come by and check us up so that we can ask help. I do not have a driver license yet and if i want to go somewhere i cannot go it is so sad. Hubby is not around all the time since he needs to work. Also i am 8 months pregnant with a 4 years old but some of my neighbors are very nice. They are mostly retired so they are not working just at home most of the time. They offer help to us and we just call them if we need it. Someone will come by today and pick us up to go to a store for groceries. Thank God for sending someone who will help us. He is really wonderful...Anyway, i will blog hop first before i go. See you guys.

3 Nice Notes:

Colette S said...

Oh that is wonderful. Thank God for friends.
I remember when I couldn't drive and had a baby and would walk across the street to the supermarket to get groceries in the stroller with him.

Then also when I was pregnant with #2 and after #2 I couldn't and so had to get my license.

I know exactly how you feel.

If you lived close by I'd love to help!

I pray you'll get your license soon.

Colette S said...

p.s I'm already following you too :)

Turning the Clock Back said...

thanks for stopping by my blog and following! Returning the favor! Hope you have a great weekend!

Turning the Clock Back


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